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globetrotter36 (Offline)
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03-20-2011, 08:49 AM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
Nah.. you need to spell out what it is you're saying exactly.

Because I really think that you're pretending to know what you're talking about by trying to act all condescending.
Woo hoo run out of steam have you? There was nothing condescending at all in what I said, the fact is you never consider any further than saying 'Japan is rich enough to sort out it's own financial problems.'

What other knock on effects are you talking about?
As I said that isn't difficult to work out.

Idiotic remark? It's a rhetorical statement aimed at your point. I mean how much of Japan's economic troubles are you willing to lift off of them?
Your remark was plain stupid and you know it! You said 'why not go bail them out yourself.'

Anyway to sum up what would a student living in New Zealand know about Japan's financial affairs? There's no money left for a great many things in the UK. With Japan's investments abroad and a world recession means a lot of lost revenue which will take a long time to recoup. However, Japan is an organized democratic country so would be able to pay it's creditors albeit over time unlike your 'friends' in Haiti in which you likely never get a cent in return.
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