Originally Posted by delacroix01
Again, I have two questions for today.
打撃技は『攻撃がヒットしたら』…次の攻撃を出す事で 、前の技を強引に終らせすぐに次の技を出す事ができま す。これを『キャンセル』といいます。これを繰り返せ ば連続して打撃を叩き込める、いわゆるコンボになりま す。
Can someone tell me what 叩き込める mean in the text?
I think it's just a more emphatic way of saying "strike." Like maybe "strike into [the body]"? たたきこめる is its reading.
先ほどのガトリングが肩透かしだったのは蓄積した熱の 量が少なかったから…
I did some look-up for 肩透かし, but all I could find was a sumo jargon, which has nothing to do with gatling gun at all.

What might it mean here anyway?[/quote]In general, 肩透かし means "a dodge" or "dodging." It doesn't have to be just sumo.