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(#265 (permalink))
monkeyninja42 (Offline)
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03-20-2011, 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
"I'm right and your wrong", caused every major war in history.
Yup! That sums up this whole thread nicely.

Ronin4Hire, no one ever said you HAVE to. So don't. I think that's what everyone's essentially getting down to. Don't. You don't have to. No one is telling you you have to. So don't. People have certainly said we all should. But just like you, other people get to decide for themselves. So if you get annoyed thinking you're being told to "give" then understand when people are annoyed that you told them "don't give".

If you consider Japan well off, I certainly understand. But if people consider this a severe emergency situation, that I understand as well.

And the US is pretty rich, but if I get hit by severe flooding or hurricane, I'll still need help. My government situation usually isn't mine. I did GREAT during the Clinton era when our government ran out of money and froze pay. So I tend to lean in the direction of "give to the Red Cross, and they'll use it where it IS needed, wherever in the world that is for now." The Red Cross doesn't just cover Japan.....and frankly, the money used in any current disaster is the money the charity raised 6 months ago.....the money you send now will help the NEXT emergency, wherever that is.....maybe you'll get lucky at it'll be Haiti and you'll feel like then it's OK to help a few folks out, because their lives suck so much and so regularly that you can feel really REALLY good about skipping that big lunch out or new toy purchase. Or whatever it is that makes it really worth it to you to help major worldwide charities.
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