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(#383 (permalink))
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kenshiromusou (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 169
Join Date: Dec 2007
03-21-2011, 06:32 AM

Friends, could you help me with 3 sentences?

1- ピーンと張りつめた良い意味での緊張感は、やはり先輩たちのおかげ なんですよ。 I'm lost with first syntagm. Summarizing, does he talk a thing like: "We stayed nervous and there was a good kind of tension because veteran presence."?

2- 今は、スタジオに多くの先輩たちがいらっしゃる作品は 少ないですし、メインキャラが同じ比重でこれだけいるって作品も少ないですからね。
I'm not sure about second syntagm. Does he talk, summarizing: "Today, it is rare to see many veterans in a studio. There are few works whose main characters require the expertise of a veteran actor [of same weight].?

3 - ご覧になってわくわくしていただいて、そのわくわく感 を持って、今後の展開にご期待ください。
I'm completely lost with this message to fans. I did not understand if he talks he watched and became excited and asks to fans wait the future developments with same excitament or if he says to fans wait the future developments with the same excitament the fans watched past developments. Please, what's correct here?

Thank you very much, my friends and sorry for annoyance.


Last edited by kenshiromusou : 03-21-2011 at 06:34 AM.