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(#35 (permalink))
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Kozyra (Offline)
Son of the Desert
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03-21-2011, 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
Seriously!! bitching and whining is not going to solve the issue. here's how it breaks down there is no gray area in my mind there are 3 types of people 1."those who support the killing of innocent civilians 2."those who do not support the killing of innocent civilians" 3. The holier than though who cry and moan but can not offer a "real" solution and just scream i hate war stop it. Well guess what war sucks we all know that maybe we should just start breeding aggression out of the human race because we have been at this since the beginning of time and fighting and positioning ourselves over resources is not new and yes that includes oil.

If anyone was surprised that this resulted in a military intervention then you are blind. As much as i detest war i also detest watching innocent people being brutalized by the government that has sworn to protect them. Anyone who thinks "mad dog" would have simply just said "oh my bad lets sit down and talk the opposition" is truly naive.

As long as we do not put soldiers on the ground and we leave when the no fly zone has been established i will support a multi-national effort but no occupation and no forced regime change. Any major political change must come from the people themselves.
Your words are true but I think that the problems will begin when the Gaddafi could destroy some of the NATO forces
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