Originally Posted by TalnSG
Aside from the inflammatory and the insulting phrasing, your logic seems faulty.
The members of the UN Security Council are the U.S., China, France, U.K., the Russian Federation, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Germany, Portugal, Brazil, India, South Africa, Colombia, Lebanon, Gabon, and Nigeria.
The U.S. and sometimes U.K. and France are the only Pro-Israeli countries; the other 12 nations are definitely not Judaic sympathizers. If 3 nations can "run" the the council, then the problem is with the representatives of those other 12 nations. What are they selling their votes for? Or ar they too busy with infighting to work together to override the U.S. vote?
I do not agree with the actions taken by the U.N., especially with the U.S. military involved. But I can understand those who want to see the removal of a unjust, inhumane leader and supporting the citizens of that country in their effort to do so.
You should consider what is going on under the table ....
Enough that the United States supports Israel, so it is not neutral, regardless of whether she was with Israel or with the Muslims, and therefore a result, the Security Council lost its effectiveness and its legitimacy because it is composed of members of racist