JF Old Timer
Posts: 432
Join Date: Mar 2008
03-21-2011, 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by termogard
Good question!
Jew-run Security Council wanna spit upon those poor residents of Gaza..... 
Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
"Waste of time and resources"
You kidding me?
Hello... biggest oil producer in North Africa?
It's why the Brits were sucking Gaddafi's d*ck before the uprising.
While I agree that the military intervention is not an altruistic move (nothing in politics ever is), I think that if it turns out that it works in the favour of the Libyan people, I'm for it.
But where is the intervention in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia which have also fired on it's own citizens? Oh that's right.. Bahrain and Saudi is a US ally.
totally agree.
The things that come to those who wait are the things that are left by those who got there first !