Originally Posted by Kozyra
Do not forget that Gaddafi uses people as human shields, as well as Gaddafi comes out bodies from refrigerators to tell the world that they are victims of the "Crusader aggression," and he has done it before, and this may open a door that has a beginning and no end, and frankly I do not know what is the right solution to stop Gaddafi
Although, most do not have an idea of what the "right" solution to stop him is. I would rather see action than inaction. The US has learned a very painful lesson on both sides of conflicts like this. When we get involved in another countries turmoil (regardless if asked) we are seen as Invaders or us policing the world. If we sit on the sidelines we are punished as well. During Clinton's indecisive about Rwandan over 800,000 people died not only does it still haunt him to this day, the US was bashed continuously about the decision not acting swiftly to stop the killing then there's conflict that happen in Somilia. We are damned if we do and damned if we dont thats result of being who we are.
Again, im not saying armed conflict is the answer but when do we say enough is enough and as a coalition intervene on behalf of those who can protect themselves. Im going to agree with Ryzorian a little. Maybe the US should step back and trim its role and let the world sort itself out. I wonder what the world would be like in 10 years humanity does not have the best track record of doing the "right thing"
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana