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(#2 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
03-22-2011, 02:35 PM

I haven't used the Kindle system personally . . . I'm rather a purist and a technophobe, and perhaps my literature studies have biased me, but in any case I have no inclination to use it at all, lol.

I've used 'e-books' on the DS system, and I do a lot of reading online too, and personally I think it's just too much of a stress on the eyes, you can't sit for hours and hours like you can with a book, and you can't read whilst travelling like you can with a book because the shaking screen is disorientating. I also have a problem with the cost. E-books may be cheaper, but unless you're an avid and passionate reader it'll take you a very long time to buy enough books to make up for the cost of the console itself. Not to mention for students referencing, highlighting, searching etc. is a right old pain too . . .

It has its upsides. I mean it's easier to take a console on holiday than say three or four books, but ultimately I prefer solid books to e-books. You can lend them out, borrow them, not have to worry about a virus or broken console destroying it . . . you can even throw it at someone and not have to worry about it breaking

In all seriousness though I'd only recomend it to non-students and avid readers. Unless you spend the majority of your spare time reading you'll never recoup the cost of the console, and it won't save you any time/space because you don't read enough for it to be an issue anyways. So yeah, very negative thoughts! I'm sure some will disagree, I know people who swear by them and adore them, Kindle especially for its convienience and cheapness. Bear in mind though a lot of books don't come on Kindle (or any e-reader), such as some of Du Maurier's works and Rowling (I think), although anything out of copyright is free, so you can get all the Shakespeare and Dante you like.
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