Originally Posted by GoNative
Not able to learn? I have a science degree with a major in meteorology. What do you have?
Hopeless? I am only 40 and am almost at the stage where I could retire if I wanted to. Yep real no hoper!
My women and kids are away? They are right here with me.
Lonely and angry? I have a wife I love and a fantastic little girl. I live in one of the most beautiful places on the planet and have many friends. Neither lonely nor angry (usually)
Do I have respect for someone who clearly doesn't know what she is talking about and will not acknowledge any rational counter argument? No she is a fool and arrogant in her belief she knows more than others.
Especially since she is many 1000's of miles away with no information other than from the western media sentionalising nearly everything occurring here.
It is a terrible situation here there's no doubt about it but what really are you attempting to do on this forum? Already pretty much everyone here thinks you're a nutcase with no credibility whatsoever. You're conspiracy theories about Chernobyl are ridiculous and overall just about everything you have written thus far in this forum has been ridiculous. You think because you watch a bit of TV and can look up articles on the internet you are some sort of expert on what's happening here? Well sorry to burst your bubble but you have no idea whatsoever.
I just can't wait for all this to be over as I'm sure then you'll leave these forums and let us have some peace from your lunatic ravings. You're just a zimtzicke!
I couldn't agree more, well said.