Translation check in dire need! Please ^_^ -
03-23-2011, 02:31 AM
Why hello everyone!
A good friend of mine who is taking Japanese in college directed me to here. We were discussing a name that Ive been using as an online handle for a while. I would like to get a tattoo of it because the meaning that I have come to know resonates with a lot on my life.
The name in question is aikuza in romajii, the kanji I would choose for this is 愛句ザ ..yes, I do realize the ザ(za) is katakana.
As far as my internet skills and using people for resources go Ive been able to piece together that it roughly means "the love phrase." I read somewhere that the katakana, when translating, can be moved to the front of the expression for it to make sense.
My friend told me that using za would be a bit weird, like using sign language in the middle of speech (I guess?). Or speaking in Spanish then using a word in English and trying to make it sound Spanish kind of thing.
If so, thats fine, my main question is:
Is it possible for this to be translated to The Love Phrase/The Phrase of Love?
Also, is there any other immediate understanding of this grouping of characters that native Japanese people would recognize?
Ive searched but couldnt find any other meanings except iku but didnt think that would apply because of the kanji Ive chosen being ai and ku seperate.
Thank you so much for your time in reading my request! This means a lot to me even if it seems silly for it to x__x I dont want to get "picnic table" tattood on my arm or something that makes Japanese people go >:C lol