Originally Posted by steven
Yea that is indeed very important information! That's what I had read as well. It only makes sense.
I have always checked where certain vegetables come from when I buy them at the store-- but I don't think I noticed a single vegetable from that entire region, let alone prefecture or city the last few times I've gone shopping. It makes me feel for the farmers involved (and the whole economy up there)... but at the same time I don't want anything to do with those vegetables for a long time. I know at least around here a lot of people grow a lot of their own fruits & vegetables... so I can only imagine how tragic it would be to basically have the ability to make safe food removed from your land for possibly a very long time.
Broad leaf vegetables pick up particles in the air (because they have large leaves that are directly exposed and open to the air), and cows will accumulate minuscule amounts from eating various leaves and grasses, which is then passed on to their milk.
Those are the two big ones that suffer the most contamination and the most quickly. With the vegetables, very little is absorbed into the plants themselves, so protected varieties (think things where you don`t eat the outermost layer) are likely to be safe everywhere but the closest areas to the reactor. The majority of the contamination will fade away pretty quickly after the emissions stop.
In other words, it is in their best interests to continue production, as chances are the food will end up being tested and certified to be safe after they get the reactor settled down.
I wouldn`t actively choose to eat things from that area right now... But to be honest, with the tiny amounts they`ve found so far, I wouldn`t balk at buying some if it were the only available. I`d just avoid giving it to my son...
But then again, as my son had 1~3 chest x-rays a DAY for 3 months then one every other day for another 2 months afterward, I can`t see it causing any more risk than he already has.