Originally Posted by Decimus
I think it's meant to be Engrish for "The".
Which is admittedly quite odd when combined with kanji, even if it's rewritten as 「ザ・愛句」.
@OP: Something like 「愛の言葉」 would work better, especially if you are trying to go for a Beatles' reference.
What does 「愛の言葉」 translate to?
The Beatles reference you speak of interests me but I have no idea how to translate that x__x
Thank you for your responses everyone. Im not infatuated with the name enough to toss out the advice. Im thinking about everyones advice seriously and it all makes a lot of sense. I just have no experience with Japanese the language as well as the people so thats why I came here. As it stands now, I will definitely not be getting the tattoo of the name written as I had it in the first post. Though, what Decimus said interests me.
Its too bad that the Japanese would in majority "go >:C" but it cant be helped if thats just who they are :P