Thread: Visa?
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Cortney143 (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 2
Join Date: Mar 2011
Visa? - 03-24-2011, 01:29 AM

So here is the situation, I used to study at Sophia University, but I was sick a lot because when I went, I didn’t realize I was anemic and never could afford an adequate amount of meat when I was over there, so after three months I had to return to America. Well, instead of being able to return to Japan right away until my body actually returned to normal, I was forced to go to a university in the states, and rather than losing another semester of credits I decided to stay until I had enough to transfer over to a new school (temple university) this fall. However, my student visa expires 05/28 (only a few days before the 06/01 deadline for temple visa applications). My question is, is there any way for me to extend my visa another few months, or even a year? If so would I be able to contact the Japanese Embassy in L.A. (the closest JEmbassy to my home in Arizona) and request that they just extend my visa until I go there.. and just renew it? I am already accepted to Temple so it wouldn’t be an issue of providing that I am a student there, its more or less I would like to have some time (or rather not have to at all) provide the 36k financial viability to get a new visa… when I already have one. I hope this makes sense. If anyone has any questions or any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!!!
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