Hey all.
I have what some people call 'My Japan Syndrome.' I have it bad. I've had it for what must be coming up 5 years. It's not a phase.
Basically I didn't even know there was a name for this problem until a few days ago. And so now I know, I want to bring it up here.
For anyone who doesn't know, My Japan Syndrome is a non-official term coined for people who have a strong dislike of other foreigners in Japan, or having a strong interest in it.
I probably have the worst case of this that anyone has heard of. As stated I've had it for around 5 years, which I'd say is pretty bad. It's only gotten worse since then.
It has literally taken over my life as an obsession. So much so, that when I actually went to Japan, I actually was subconsciously making a note of all the White people I saw wherever I was that day, then making a diary of the number I saw.
Being home isn't better. I constantly scour the web e.g. Youtube, Facebook etc to find people who are obsessed with Japan. Every single day. I then basically feel searing hatred, but can't do anything. I copy their profile link, and forever keep an eye on them.
I feel worse and worse the more Japan-related things they post. I literally feel suicidal when I see these people obsessing over Japan.
If possible, and I have contact with them, I try anything I can to sway them but to no avail. I'll admit that I've even trolled some of these people to try and vent my frustrations with them. Still no change.
I look over tourism numbers month after month. Jeez, I could probably recite all last years tourist numbers to Japan month by month, country by country I've seen them so many times.
I realise that posting this here will probably cause much hatred towards myself. I'm fine with that.
You can call me names, you can say I'm immature, stupid, a terrible person, whatever. I know I'm all these, so if you do want to insult me then go ahead, but it's a waste of time as I know I'm all of it.
And in case anyone suspects, no I am not trolling.
I only want to put this here in some miniscule hope that something someone posts can help me a great deal in getting rid of this.
Yes, I do actually want to get rid of it. I don't like feeling like this.
I'm considering hypnotherapy, but it's a bit too expensive for now.
So I guess what I'm asking is, has anyone here ever had this? Any tips on anything I can do, or anything you can say?
Generally peope on JF don't bother me, as you don't really get too obsessed. I think there's only one or two on here that have caught my attention.
People who catch my attention are the kinds who can't go 2 status' without mentioning something Japan or writing in Japanese, and who cant stop using '^______^', as well as joining countless Japan groups.
Please feel free to ask any questions too. I'll answer the best I can.

I don't have any mental problems that may have brought this on, besides mild OCD. That may have just compacted the problem.