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(#6 (permalink))
RickOShay (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 604
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: USA, formerly Shizuoka for 7 years.
03-26-2011, 12:39 AM

Originally Posted by Mail747 View Post
Hey all.

I have what some people call 'My Japan Syndrome.' I have it bad. I've had it for what must be coming up 5 years. It's not a phase.
Basically I didn't even know there was a name for this problem until a few days ago. And so now I know, I want to bring it up here.

For anyone who doesn't know, My Japan Syndrome is a non-official term coined for people who have a strong dislike of other foreigners in Japan, or having a strong interest in it.

I probably have the worst case of this that anyone has heard of. As stated I've had it for around 5 years, which I'd say is pretty bad. It's only gotten worse since then.
It has literally taken over my life as an obsession. So much so, that when I actually went to Japan, I actually was subconsciously making a note of all the White people I saw wherever I was that day, then making a diary of the number I saw.

Being home isn't better. I constantly scour the web e.g. Youtube, Facebook etc to find people who are obsessed with Japan. Every single day. I then basically feel searing hatred, but can't do anything. I copy their profile link, and forever keep an eye on them.
I feel worse and worse the more Japan-related things they post. I literally feel suicidal when I see these people obsessing over Japan.
If possible, and I have contact with them, I try anything I can to sway them but to no avail. I'll admit that I've even trolled some of these people to try and vent my frustrations with them. Still no change.
I look over tourism numbers month after month. Jeez, I could probably recite all last years tourist numbers to Japan month by month, country by country I've seen them so many times.

I realise that posting this here will probably cause much hatred towards myself. I'm fine with that.
You can call me names, you can say I'm immature, stupid, a terrible person, whatever. I know I'm all these, so if you do want to insult me then go ahead, but it's a waste of time as I know I'm all of it.
And in case anyone suspects, no I am not trolling.

I only want to put this here in some miniscule hope that something someone posts can help me a great deal in getting rid of this.
Yes, I do actually want to get rid of it. I don't like feeling like this.

I'm considering hypnotherapy, but it's a bit too expensive for now.

So I guess what I'm asking is, has anyone here ever had this? Any tips on anything I can do, or anything you can say?
Generally peope on JF don't bother me, as you don't really get too obsessed. I think there's only one or two on here that have caught my attention.
People who catch my attention are the kinds who can't go 2 status' without mentioning something Japan or writing in Japanese, and who cant stop using '^______^', as well as joining countless Japan groups.

Please feel free to ask any questions too. I'll answer the best I can.
I don't have any mental problems that may have brought this on, besides mild OCD. That may have just compacted the problem.
If this is not some sort of weird trolling joke.. which it most likely is... but if it is not.. you need professional help and fast. Check yourself in somewhere before you hurt yourself or someone else.
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