Originally Posted by JohnBraden
Mild OCD? I'm afraid it's major OCD if you're obsessing over obsessions....
I would definitely look into talking to a psychiatrist or some other therapist. It is not a healthy thing if something beyond your control occupies so much time and energy that your health may be in danger....
I don't hate you. Hate is too strong a word to begin with. I don't know you, but am concerned your priorities are a bit out of whack. I don't have the right to judge you, nor do I want to.
I don't know what prompted this, but, sadly you're not alone. Hopefully you will find some balance and equilibrium in your concern and can deal with this affliction.
I agree with you there. I guess I got it wrong, and I do have quite major OCD. :/
It's just a shame it's so expensive, and I'm skeptical to how successful psychiactric treatment is...

It's nice to not be attacked for this thread, I appreciate it.
Me either. Thanks for the good wishes!
Originally Posted by MMM
I agree with John. I think you need some professional intervention. This is not a healthy obsession.
I agree it's certainly not a healthy obsession. I'm very aware of it and the negative impact it's having on me, but I have yet to find a fully effective solution.
Originally Posted by GoNative
Sounds like you desperately need some other interests and definitely need to take a break from anything Japan related for awhile. It seems you are very possesive of anything Japan related, almost like intellectual property. You believe no one can know as much as you or have the insights you have and you take great offence at those who also have any interest in the country. At least you recognise you have a problem which is a good first step. Like any addiction (which this sort of is) you need to wean yourself off it or even go cold turkey. And you need to fill the void with something else which is why I suggest getting some other interests. Basically you need to stop doing what you are currently doing. Accept that other people will have an interest in Japan but attempt to realise it doesn't matter. Japan will still be Japan regardless of what a few foreigners think about it!
As suggested you may need some professional assistance to do this.
Taking a break from Japan-related things is pretty difficult. You may call me a hypocrite for this, but I do very much like Japan, and I don't want to reduce it or give up cold turkey.
I think that's kinda true... but I don't like people who are more like... they THINK they know loads about Japan, but they just don't expand their knowledge beyond certain pop culture. I'll admit I'm no expert on everything, but I've definitely spent many years absorbing from every aspect of Japanese culture and history I can.
I'm afraid my OCD makes that very difficult. I'd drive myself crazy (well... crazier) if I couldn't keep a check on my obsession. I will most certainly try my best to cut down though, to hopefully get some kind of result.
And the thing is, the internet is what mostly feeds this. But I use the internet at night when I can't really do any other activities.
Thanks for the advice.
Originally Posted by steven
This is interesting. I can tell that I had a bit of this in retrospect-- not NEARLY on the level that you have it though. For me it was wanting to isolate myself from English-speaking foreigners to help learn the language. That worked fantastically, but after a while I realized that I would almost go out of my way to avoid people, which was rude. Strangers are another issue, but doing that to people I already knew was getting to me. That didn't last too long, but I think it was too negative of a thing for me.
For me it wasn't a process of realizing it was a problem and working at it. It's just that by the time it worked itself out I could see that I was becoming a little weird in retrospect.
However, your case is definitely strange. I think you seem to realize this yourself, but solving your problem isn't a matter of warming up to foreigners. I think it's deeper than that. In other words, if it wasn't "My Japan Syndrome" then it'd be something else, I'm afraid. I think it's ironic (not in a ha-ha kind of way) that you ended your post by saying you don't have any mental problems other than OCD. From the way it sounds, I think you have more than a minor case of OCD and probably some other problems. The whole data collection thing reeks of this in my opinion.
I think you may very well need professional help... but I'm not so sure. I think this could just be a matter of finding better ways to spend your time. Doing something productive might be key for you. Defining productive might be difficult, but doing something that makes you feel better about yourself (aka positive things) would be a step up.
You need to kind of dig deep into this and try to find out what the root of all this is. For example, what kind of motivation do you have for doing this? A lot of what you are doing seems irrational as these foreigners that you're concerned about would otherwise have no contact with you. It's like you're going out of your way to make these confrontations with yourself. I see a similarity in this and in people who like to cause discord-- which I think people do in order to kind of liven things up in their lives or to look for attention. Are you really bored or lonely or something like that? Maybe you just need to take a break from this irrational fantasy land that you've created and just get out there in the real world and mingle with other people.
What do you do with your time? Maybe you could work on your time management and try to slowly shave off these weird activities from your daily life.
Do you smoke, drink, play games, use the internet, or do anything else habitually?
Heh, I'm guessing no one's had it on my scale xD
Yeah, but n the time scale I've had it it just doesn't seem to want to go away of its own accord, even when I realize there's something weird about it.
And as written to one of the other posts, I've admitted it's probably major OCD like you say. If there is anything else up there, then it's definitely not obvious because I've done pretty high responsibility things in the past like flying aircraft.
I agree that I don't know if anything but hypnotherapy would work. But I have tried every self help method and self-convincing you can imagine.
I have absolutely no idea what my motivation stems from. It has just came and stuck. And for reasons I don't understand, it's an aggressive, unrelenting force.
I think you have me there, I do create if for myself. I actively look for things that otherwise wouldn't present themselves to me.
I agree with you about me being bored and lonely, I guess I am, and I can see you've attempted to make a connection with it. But I personally don't see how this can be a cause. I think even if I had friends 24/7 it wouldn't help. I've had friends who were interested in Japan, and even when true friends mention it I get a little uneasy. Terrible I know. And before anyone speculates, my friends didn't lose contact because of this obsession. It was with moving college issues etc.
I don't smoke, drink or anything. BUT yes, I use the internet VERY much, through the night.
Originally Posted by RickOShay
If this is not some sort of weird trolling joke.. which it most likely is... but if it is not.. you need professional help and fast. Check yourself in somewhere before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Originally Posted by dogsbody70
i confess that i disbelieved the original post. seems like a wind up to me.
I can absolutely, 100% assure you this is NOT trolling or a joke. I don't know what the word of a man over the internet means to you guys, but I give you my word that everything I have said is truth.
Do you really think that I'd spend
this much time writing all this out just for some trolling?
Originally Posted by RealJames
Perhaps realizing that Japan isn't any more or less awesome than any other country, might help.
You can evenly obsess about anyone that likes any country and become a global tourism travel expert lol.
I avoid English speaking friends here as I'm learning the language, I don't feel it's all that bad, I don't go very far out of my way but it's also part of wanting to experience this culture, not just a dislocated version of my own.
Oh and I'm way better than you when it comes to Japan. For sure. Does that irritate you?  I mean I'm still here, doing all the things you wish you could be doing, and doing them better than you can imagine. Does that also bother you?
Hehe, ironically I'm doing Travel and Tourism at college.
Not too much really. It's another strange thing about it. When someone has been there... for so long, and basically reasonably assimilates into the culture, those types of foreigners don't bother me that much. It's mainly tourists, people who talk about visiting, or people who talk about / plan on living there.