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(#416 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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03-27-2011, 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by Darnellrbts View Post
Ms.ogawa is Japanese. オガワさんはにほんじんです
Mr.takeda is a teacher. タケダさんはせんせいです
Michiko is a first year student. ミチコさんはいちねんせいです
Ms.Yamamoto is 25 years old. ヤマモトさんはにじゅうごさいです
Why are you writing their names in katakana instead of hiragana or kanji? These sentences are grammatically correct, though.

I am a international student. わたしはりゅうがくせいです
You wrote "exchange student," not "international student." They are not the same thing. An exchange student comes to a university temporarily from another; an international student comes from a foreign country to study at that university and graduates from that university. I'd say you want 外国人学生(がいこくじんがくせい) instead.

My major is Japanese. せんもんはにほんごです
せんもん is "specialty." You want せんこう for "major."