Originally Posted by samokan
well all I can say is "GANBARE NIPPON" .. Japan has overcome lots of challenges already and they will rise again. I believe that that is why am staying. There is no point in panicking, it will just stress you out.
Be vigilant but not ignorant.
Media has been known to sensationalize news to earn ratings, that is why I try to read the official report only.
the problem is, the outcoming radiation in high level is a fact and the statements from the management of fukushima 1 is a fact ... and our news only open this ... so, this is no business, just the truth .. of course they will not open this in your country to make no panic ... so, its always the best way to be best informed and look at every source of information to do that .. overthink that ... at least you are alone with your decision, nobody will help you ...
Originally Posted by imbbe
The Earthquake, Tsunami and the Radiation from the nuke factory really gives me a shock and I feel so bad about this happen. When I talked to my Japanese friends, I realize that I can do something to assist the people who is now staying in the refugee camp. What I am talking is the Disposable Toilet and the Portable Toilet Seat. I then gave some to my friend, he send them to Tokyo immediately, the reply is: Thanks, they are really useful in this disaster.
I believe the above apparatus will be very welcome by the people and the Government. Other than that, whoever import and donate or selling these Toilets to the government would be a hero and will be paid back with a significant revenue. Please let me know if I can help? You can check detail at http://imbbe.webs.com . The People in the Refugee Camp are very in need of these toilets, please act hurry to help them at their need.
核工場から地震、津波、放射線、ホントに衝撃を与え、 私はこれが起こるの悪い感じています。私は日本人の友 人と話をすると、私は今難民キャンプに滞在している人 々を支援する何かを行うことができます実現します。私 が話している使い捨てトイレ、ポータブルトイレシート です。私はその時私の友人にいくつかを与え、彼はすぐ に東京に送って、返信は:おかげで、彼らは本当にこの 災害に有用である。
私は上記の装置は、非常に人々と政府が歓迎されると確 信しています。誰でもインポートおよび寄付や政府にこ れらのトイレを販売し、ヒーローになる重要な収入と返 済されることよりも、他の。私は助けることができるな ら、私に教えてください?あなたは http://imbbe.webs.comで詳細を確...れま� ��。
i have heard very bad cruel news about, that the biggest problem in the refugee camps is the heat and its winter ... old people and children are laying on the naked floor by 17 degrees under zero, thats cruel ... i really cannot watch the pictures of the old crying people in tv without breaking my heart ... over this there is a problem with eat and drink and of course hygienic ... and the badest thing is that some refugee camps had no help up to today .. thats a tragedy and i really cannot understand what the japanes government are doing there .. they have a monarchy which cost millions of dollars every month .. and its a really rich country .. normally the japanese government should be able to do that job ... i donot understand .. they are the own people ...
Originally Posted by samokan
well all I can say is "GANBARE NIPPON" .. Japan has overcome lots of challenges already and they will rise again. I believe that that is why am staying. There is no point in panicking, it will just stress you out.
Be vigilant but not ignorant.
Media has been known to sensationalize news to earn ratings, that is why I try to read the official report only.
of course people overcome every normal catastrophy, not only the japanese, we have had the second world war here too and some cities are 90% disturbed .. you built it up again of course ... but the problem with radiation is, that you cannot built up anything because it is not possible to settle there again or it is only possible to do this with a high cancer risk ... think about that ...
think about, today everything is a question of business and money, thats the truth ... if you are alive and ill its your turn to proof that you are a person who has to get money for health and social system ... and the most people are alone with that problem ... in chernobyl they cut even the social help for the workers too which saved the situation there (they are interviewed in tv) ... after a few years you are a not welcome person if you are damaged by fukushima ... its always a question of money today ... and if you are ill you cost too much money for the rest of your life ... and this will be your problem in future ... therefore my decison in such a situation would be clear: i would not believe in anything, i would save my own ass because nobody else will do that for me ...