Thread: leave the area
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(#297 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
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03-28-2011, 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by max1024 View Post
1. Why would you put people in danger if you're not sure whether the situation can be taken under control or not? 20-30km evacuation zone? It's not even funny, says a physicist ! The zone should be 50km at minimum and 80km recommended. Better to get out of harms way rather than regret it later.
Here some proof:
linkBefore you guys begin to dismiss this report again, THEY ARE THE ONES who are not interested in telling lies.
For how long were such levels recorded? Were they for days on end or just for a matter of hours on a particular day? We have seen in Tokyo for instance how levels can rise and fall very quickly depending on the wind direction. And Greenpeace is hardly an unbiased observer. Not exactly a big fan of nuclear power is Greenpeace.

Originally Posted by max1024 View Post
The officials in Japan:link
Really not sure what point you are trying to make from this link?

Originally Posted by max1024 View Post
You should buy your water in supermarkets as well:link
These are all facts, nothing hysterical.
Sure there are some areas where you should buy bottled water and the authorities have been up front about that. In most of Japan though there is nothing to worry about at this stage. Plus linking anything from the Herald Sun which is probably one of the worst examples of tabloid gutter press in Australia doesn't give much credence to your assertions.

Originally Posted by max1024 View Post
2.Radiation is accumulated over time.In other words you can only get more contamination over time and it won't disappear. The chances that you could get cancer or other health issues related to radiation will get only higher.Specially, kids and women are endagered the most because they weigh a lot less thus would automatically have higher concentration of toxic stuff compared to adult men.
Here, you can see the possibilities for yourself:link
Radiation does not accumulate over time. It decreases over time. In relation to iodine 134 it has a half life of only 8 days so decreases rapidly. It's the cancers from radiation that can take sometime to develop. As long as you don't drink contanimated water or food and have access to iodine tablets the risk is minimal. Your link shows that the increase in thyroid cancer after Chernobyl was because people didn't stop drinking the water or eating contanimated food. This won't happen in Japan.

They make the following point in that link

In addition to the lack of reliable information provided to people affected in the first few years after the accident, there was widespread mistrust of official information and the false attribution of most health problems to radiation exposure from Chernobyl.
It is important that people be given correct information and not just speculation. I believe this is what is occurring in Japan.

Originally Posted by max1024 View Post
3. It sounds like mere speculation at the moment but contaminated people or those with health issues due to radiation will be regarded as social burden over time. They will overstain the health system on the one hand and will be regarded as worst possible candidates to take on a job on the other.

4. In essense, Japan is no different from other countries if you analize its economy. Tepco built an instable nuclear plant that couldn't meet the safety requirements in a very dangerous place.

How is it possible? Easy, the managers want more rendits as their first priority, the safety comes in the second or last place. Also they didn't modify the plant because......too expensive. These guys have their men in the government who back them up and let them do as they wish.Even right now, in that critical situation the company tries to take as little blame as possible, you just have to read their statements. The most ridiculious part is that according to japanese law japanese people have to pay for all damages and follow-ups of the tragedy.
Yeah, money makes the world go around and under in Japan, Europe or elsewhere, I see no differences there. Cultural differences? It doesn't matter now, all that matters is the safety of the people there.

In conclusion, leave the area immediatly if you've got means to do it.
Well these plants operated safely enough for over 40 years. It took a totally unprecedented event to reach the current crisis. I have not seen any previous safety proposals that would have made much, if any, difference.

And in the article you linked to there they do say

In fairness it can hardly be argued that Japan has been cavalier about the prospects of an earthquake (some anti-nuclear groups might beg to differ). Indeed, even before last Friday's tremor, Japan had experienced two recent major quakes that severely impacted its nuclear program although without causing any radiation leakage.
Overall you've added no more to what we already knew and provided nothing to suggest that the crisis is really any worse than official reports.

Last edited by GoNative : 03-28-2011 at 01:12 PM.