Originally Posted by GoNative
Radiation does not accumulate over time. It decreases over time. In relation to iodine 134 it has a half life of only 8 days so decreases rapidly. It's the cancers from radiation that can take sometime to develop. As long as you don't drink contanimated water or food and have access to iodine tablets the risk is minimal. Your link shows that the increase in thyroid cancer after Chernobyl was because people didn't stop drinking the water or eating contanimated food. This won't happen in Japan.
There are at least 7 other atoms that are more dangerous than iodine 134. iodine is actually the least dangerous one because after 8 days the amount is halved. Casium(30 years) etc. are the real problems and Plutonium(25000 years) the biggest one.
link Read the toxitiy part after inhalation. You can look for Casium by yourself. Tell me then again than radioactivity doesn't accumulate.
Originally Posted by GoNative
It is important that people be given correct information and not just speculation. I believe this is what is occurring in Japan.
Belief is good, control is better.The problem is there isn't room for mistakes. You can't revert it afterwards.
Originally Posted by GoNative
Well these plants operated safely enough for over 40 years. It took a totally unprecedented event to reach the current crisis. I have not seen any previous safety proposals that would have made much, if any, difference.
To make it short, basically, if ANY plant is cut off from their power source due to SOME reason then you get what you have in Fukushima right now.The possibility of an accident isn't zero and two of them already happened, do you want more?
One more point, once plutonium is in the food chain, you can't get it out no matter what. It accumulates and will stay there for 25000 years. They let that toxic mix into the ocean->planctons->small fish->big fish-> on your table in higher concentration. Even if the individum dies, the worms will eat it from its body and return it to the food chain.
Now, to prevent it you have to store Plutonium from burnt fuel rods safely somewhere for 25000 years! Where is the garantee of safety?
Originally Posted by GoNative
Overall you've added no more to what we already knew and provided nothing to suggest that the crisis is really any worse than official reports.
Overall, you play everything down without deeper knowledge.
Germans arrogant? You can do a lot better than that.