Originally Posted by JBaymore
Hum......... I have listened to a number of English language broadcast news programs and hear what the talking heads SAY the Japanese are saying on the English voice overs..... but listening to the Japanese speaker in the background... that is NOT what is being said.
Don't necessarilly trust the mainstream press reporting in English or other non-Japanese langugages. They often don't get it right.
It still doesn't explain the 1 week delay of the meldown problem. Or the strange denial in each report which says in essense 'it's quite dangerous but not that much'. The meltdown is partial of course, the danger is partial, people get contaminated partially and the endangered ones are evacuated partially..... you get the idea.It's a catastrophe but not quite. I don't feel like laughing about it, it'd be very disrespectful towards the people in Japan.