Originally Posted by stickmichael
Hi this is my first question to this forum. See I am a nice guy the kind that always is smiling and laughing and kinda goofy but not too much. So of course I always shake ppl's hands or smile and nod at them. Now see I love kids too. I am good with kids and I like taking my nieces to the zoo and what not so I am used to it. I actually had to take care of my sis's 2 year old girl for 6 months at one period so mostly attached to her. Okay now that you know that about me my question is how come so many ppl now days give dirty looks to ppl that smile at there kid? I know for damn sure I dont look like a pedo so thought that was weird. I just noticed it recently and tried to stop but I catch myself doing it still all the time. Wondering if anyone else is noticing the horrible drop in trust between ppl. Its crazy. So yea that is my question if it makes any sense at all.
That's really sad
In Iceland it's just fine some parents even play along or like the time off
But of course I'm an eighteen year old girl so....But I still think it's sad