Originally Posted by TalnSG
Between this theory and our resident Russian's ranting about the greedy westerners, another possibility came to mind and it would contribute to a justification for Russia's absentention in the UN.
The nation with the most to gain from disorder and destruction in the oil fields of Libya is Russia.
Libyan oil comprises less than 5% of the U.S. oil trade, so it doesn't really impact the U.S. directly. But Russia has been trading heavily in oil futures in Geneva of late and to knock their competitors out of the market, even temporarily, at the hands of others, is an amazingly "lucky" turn of events for them.
And when it comes to greed, how about the idea of a single company buying the entire port of Murmansk? Now that is greed. At least we buy out others product, not set up major ports as private enterprises.
Interesting stuff.
It's funny. There is this Russian news network called "Russia Today" that you can get here in New Zealand (It's a cable news channel like FOX, CCTV, BBC, CNN, DW-TV, France-24 etc).
It's like the Russian FOX news. The way they talk about Russia versus how they talk about the West is really stupid.
They have all these opinion segments about how hypocritical and evil the West is, but when they talk about Russia it's all praise.