03-29-2011, 08:18 AM
I don't really care how parents react when I smile at kids. I was a kindergarten teacher for almost 6 months, for ages 4-6, so I'm used to smiling at them and here in Romania it isn't considered a pedo type of smile. Now that I'm gonna move to Belgium, I need to leave that habit at home, because here, they first call the police, and after that ask you who you are and what you want. When I'm out with my (2 year old) niece, even parents smile back anywhere I go, but when I'm alone, they look at me like I'm a long haired pedo' , so at least when I'm in a foreign country I try to cut the interaction.
Reverse psychology, "dear Watson", reverse psychology.
"Manganese? Is that manga language?" - lol?