Originally Posted by RealJames
Plutonium is a primordial element, in other words it has existed in nature long before nuclear power plants or any man made nuclear anything was devised.
Deep under the earth in wastelands without contact with water.
Originally Posted by RealJames
1.The nuclear weapon used to destroy Nagasaki used plutonium 239, which according to your level of paranoia would have caused a global genocide of humanity, or at the very least Nagasaki would be uninhabitable.
You are talking about evenly pulverized kilograms of that stuff that is still present there.All around the world there are 5000kg Plutonium freed already, the majourity of them in wastelands, Nevada is also one, they won't come in contact with food chain immediatly because the medium is sand. For other cases it is evenly spread and won't disappear anytime soon. It will be accumulated over time.In 24000 years the amount will only be halved, 2500kg and so on, you have to wait for 10 half-times to be sure...240000 years, I'm even sure that humanity will survive that long.
2. People who die on lung cancer aren't systematically tested whether they died because of plutonium toxication or not. I imply that there a lot of dark numbers which you'll never know.You are right about the amount you have to eat in order to die. Like I said, it is evenly spread in atom bomb experiments and in wasteland,most of it landed on wastelands and into the ocean (geography).
Originally Posted by RealJames
Fallout from thousands of nuclear tests around the world contain far more than simply traces of plutonium, people now live in and around these places.
Approximatly 5000kg in total. In Fukushima you've got 1500 tons of it alone!
Originally Posted by RealJames
"no human is known to have died because of inhaling or ingesting plutonium, and many people have measurable amounts of plutonium in their bodies" (WNA, World Nuclear Association, check Plutonium Wiki)
The stuff is not nearly as dangerous as you make it out to be, it takes ludicrous amounts of it to kill people, perhaps workers are at risk but the general population even in a decent proximity to it is far from being at risk..
Check my previous answers.
Originally Posted by RealJames
A commonly cited quote by Ralph Nader, states that a pound of plutonium dust spread into the atmosphere would be enough to kill 8 billion people. However, the math shows that only up to 2 million people can be killed by inhaling plutonium. This makes the toxicity of plutonium roughly equivalent with that of nerve gas. (check wiki, sourced)
Several populations of people who have been exposed to plutonium dust (e.g. people living down-wind of Nevada test sites, Hiroshima survivors, nuclear facility workers, and "terminally ill" patients injected with Pu in 1945–46 to study Pu metabolism) have been carefully followed and analyzed.
These studies generally do not show especially high plutonium toxicity or plutonium-induced cancer results.[88] "There were about 25 workers from Los Alamos National Laboratory who inhaled a considerable amount of plutonium dust during the 1940's; according to the hot-particle theory, each of them has a 99.5% chance of being dead from lung cancer by now, but there has not been a single lung cancer among them." (from wiki, sourced)
Like I said, the medium that transports the toxins and the concentration that will include it into the food chain are the real problem. It isn't also evenly spread like after a nuke explosion.Once in food chain-> forever there.
Nerve gas never stays toxic for 240000 years
Originally Posted by RealJames
Please reply with logic, preferably based on fact, not emotion.
I don't have time right now because I work. I will post the problems specially with Fukushima and the consequences later. The key points will be water as transport medium into food chain and the sheer amount of it there (150 tons).