Haa, sorry didn't respond sooner. I've been driving all over Alabama here lately (burning up a bunch of money in fuel so now I'm completely broke til Friday...) but I got my camera back

Though the campus police were persnickety as hell, I had to make the 3 hour drive there 2 days in a row and even blew a tire just to get the damn thing. Also, the University of Alabama has tons of Japanese students! Apparently they do regular exchanges with Chiba University students

Maaan, I wanna transfer... That college is sooo much nicer than mine
Anywho, this time I'm asking for manga help. I still intend to write a message to those girls but now it's procrastinating time, haha
Context; Main character (Yuusei) has come home to his wife (Rika) all beat up. She's says "Don't tell me you got in a fight...(まさかケンカ・・・)" to which he responds;
「転んだんだ・・・派手にやっちまって周りに笑われた よ」 I know he's saying something like "I just fell... I made a big scene of it and got laughed at." but how does 周り fit in here? Does it mean something like 'people gathered around'?
Rika then chastises him a bit and questions why he's lying and covering things up. He says;
「オレはもう昔とは違う これは誓ってバカなことして 出来た傷じゃねぇよ」
"I've changed [since then; referring to his violent teen years] I swear these are (or
aren't?) injuries from being stupid" The structure has me stumped and I can't tell if the 「じゃねぇ」 here is negative or positive
Rika; 「本当?」 "Really?"
Yuusei ; 「心配かけて悪かった 最近疲れててボーッとしてたん だ」
"I'm sorry for making you worry. I've just been tired and dazed lately
「でも もうこれ以上怪我はしねぇって約束する」
"But I promise I won't get any more injuries"
Rika; 「本当に?」 "Really?"
Yuusei; 「ああ花凛もいるんだ 無理はしねぇ」
"Yeah, Karin's here too (could I use "For Karin's sake too" instead so it sounds more natural?). I won't push it"
Yuusei (thoughts); 「ごめんな理花・・・お前だけは絶対悲しませたくない 」
"I'm sorry Rika... You're absolutely the last person I want to upset"
「だから これからオレがやろうと考えている ことは どうしても話せないんだ」
"So from now on I can't tell you what I'm considering doing"
That's the whole page. If anything looks off, please say so.