Originally Posted by StonerPenguin
Context; Main character (Yuusei) has come home to his wife (Rika) all beat up. She's says "Don't tell me you got in a fight...(まさかケンカ・・・)" to which he responds;
「転んだんだ・・・派手にやっちまって周りに笑われた よ」 I know he's saying something like "I just fell... I made a big scene of it and got laughed at." but how does 周り fit in here? Does it mean something like 'people gathered around'?
Rika then chastises him a bit and questions why he's lying and covering things up. He says;
「オレはもう昔とは違う これは誓ってバカなことして 出来た傷じゃねぇよ」
"I've changed [since then; referring to his violent teen years] I swear these are (or aren't?) injuries from being stupid" The structure has me stumped and I can't tell if the 「じゃねぇ」 here is negative or positive
Rika; 「本当?」 "Really?"
Yuusei ; 「心配かけて悪かった 最近疲れててボーッとしてたん だ」
"I'm sorry for making you worry. I've just been tired and dazed lately
「でも もうこれ以上怪我はしねぇって約束する」
"But I promise I won't get any more injuries"
Rika; 「本当に?」 "Really?"
Yuusei; 「ああ花凛もいるんだ 無理はしねぇ」
"Yeah, Karin's here too (could I use "For Karin's sake too" instead so it sounds more natural?). I won't push it"
Yuusei (thoughts); 「ごめんな理花・・・お前だけは絶対悲しませたくない 」
"I'm sorry Rika... You're absolutely the last person I want to upset"
「だから これからオレがやろうと考えている ことは どうしても話せないんだ」
"So from now on I can't tell you what I'm considering doing"
That's the whole page. If anything looks off, please say so. 
周り means "people around me" here. The "people" part is just implied and understood. In a more formal convo, you would use 周りの人、周りの人たち for the same meaning.
「じゃねぇ」 here is negative. Otherwise, it would not go with the phrase オレはもう昔とは違う. He is different now; therefore, those injuries are not from a meaningless, stupid fight.
Yes, you can use "For Karin's sake too".
You missed the relative clause in 「だから これからオレがやろうと考えていることは どうしても話せないんだ」.
What he cannot talk about is これからオレがやろうと考えていること. You took the これから part to modify 話せない in your TL.