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(#42 (permalink))
SINRT (Offline)
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03-31-2011, 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
What it comes down to is OP is just overly jealous. It's the same thing, but rather than "My Japan Syndrome," I've coined "Last Samurai Syndrome." (I call it this because of the hilarity of the movie, which involves moving to a remote Japanese village, falling in love ((and reciprocation)) with a Japanese girl even after killing her husband ((Jesus!)), and becoming a "hero" in Japan, among other things).
OP wants to be different, a novelty if you will, because he/she is plain where he/she is from. OP was hoping to get some kind of special treatment (oohs and awes) but it's not like that. I know it seems redundant to have to explain this, but I hope this post will reach anyone else who's thinking they'll be the first foreigner to reach Japan since Matthew Perry.
Last Samurai Syndrome. Awesome.
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