Originally Posted by hitotsz
What are the ways to get a visa?
What is the cheapest option in Tokyo and how much would it cost?
A Korean blogger who have worked in Combini wrote that a 朝鮮族 (Korean Chinese) worked a night shift in a Tokyo Combini earning 280,000 yen/mo. which comes out to be $3382. http://flypo.tistory.com/328
Would you save more working in Combini in Tokyo or smaller cities like Nagasaki when you subtract the cheapest lodging options, respectively?
He was probably born in Japan or some how managed to get a visa for other reasons... like maybe his parent's lived there when he was young. No one gets a visa for working at a convenient store...
And 280,000y a month is going to be a hell of a hectic schedule, like at least 70hrs a week, at least!