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(#6 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
03-31-2011, 09:50 PM

Originally Posted by Alpon View Post
This is not about religious discussion, I'm a free thinker... I just wonder how I can live with her later... LoL... some more she is a teacher and good girl and I'm just a student with a little photography skill.. and I love party... LoL...
You asked about vegetarianism in specific, so I'll respond to that first. Why do you think that you will have any issues or problems with her being vegetarian? It doesn't define a person's personality. If you think eating out or meals will be a problem, then why? If you like candy and your girlfriend didn't, would you be going "how do I handle this?" like you did in your first post? If you want meat and she doesn't then just order different meals, or if you're cooking then it's not that hard to cook a piece of meat seperately and only put it on your plate and not on hers. What is the issue?

Also if she's your teacher then forget it. It's against the law for a teacher to date a student under eighteen, and even if you're over eighteen she'd lose her job for dating you.
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