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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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04-02-2011, 12:20 AM

Originally Posted by ntech View Post
Hello all,

I'm making a little computer game which has such a small amount of text in it that I decided to translate it into as many languages as possible using Google Translate and the like, but I'd like to get verification of the Japanese translation.

It's only six words, four button lables and two words of game instruction:

Is it anywhere close to accurate?

Thank you for your help.
Not really.

Play = スタート (Start)

Instructions = ? I can think of 100 different ways to say this, but I don't know how video games say it. 使い方?指図? Better let a native or video game-playing intermediate speaker tell you.

Credits = I'm not sure if you say クレジットタイトル (credit title, the technically correct term) or you can shorten it to クレジット (credit[s])

More Games = What does this one mean? Like "other games by the same company" like you see in some flash games with hyperlinks embedded? Again, I don't play Japanese games to know what term they use, but maybe something like もっとゲーム (more games) or 他のゲーム (other games) or something...

Collect = Context, please? I could see something like "Gotta collect them all" as using 集める (collect, as in cards or stamps) or something, but in-game to collect a coin you might say とる (literally "take") instead.

Avoid = 避ける (avoid)、回避(する)(a more literary "avoid")、逃げる (flee)

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 04-02-2011 at 12:35 AM.
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