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(#435 (permalink))
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StonerPenguin (Offline)
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Location: The Goddamn Bible Belt
04-02-2011, 01:53 AM

Okay, more manga help.

Main character (Yuusei) is talking to an old gang friend (Fukuhara) about past events. The way Fukuhara talks is a little difficult for me.
Yuusei;「お前と大村がヤクザに拉致られてオレが乗り込� �でいった時の事覚えてる?」
"Do you remember that time when you and Oomura were kidnapped by the Yakuza and I got in the car?"
Fukuhara; 「あったわ!!あん時めちゃくちゃボコられてマジ殺( や)られると思ったぜ」
"Yeah!! I really thought you were gonna get the crap kicked outta ya and get killed!" [Does 「あったわ!」 mean "Yeah" here?]
"To be honest that was the most scared I've been in my whole life"
「お前の腕 折ったやつなんか殺し屋だったんだぜ!? 」
"The guy that broke your arm was yakuza!?" [Why is this a question? Is he asking something like "Y'know?" or "Y'think?"?]
「兄貴がヤクザの友達が言ってたんだから間違いねぇっ て」
"Big bro said a Yakuza's friend said (?) so there's no doubt" [What? I don't understand what's being said here...]
Yuusei; (I think; the word bubbles are on the BG, not the characters) 「そんなのにお前あいつを怒らすようなことばっか言う からさ」
"That's because you just say things to piss him off"
Fukuhara (I think)「マジよく腕だけで済んだよ」
"It ended with just your arm (or something??)" [I don't understand this line; I know 済む here means "to merely result in something less severe than expected" but I can't pin the meaning down.]

I'm having a hard time following this conversation. :/ And it doesn't end there, sorry for the length.