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(#439 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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04-02-2011, 04:12 AM

Originally Posted by StonerPenguin View Post
I'm used to seeing 「って」 for informal quotes but the two 「が」s plus a lack of a 「そう」 (or something similar) threw me off. Thanks for the explanation.
It is an informal quote here as well. To rephrase the sentence using a direct quote:
兄貴が「ヤクザの友達が言ってたんだから間違いねぇ。 」っ て言ってた。

So then 「マジよく腕だけで済んだよ」 = (loosely) "You were really lucky to get off with just a broken arm"
Right, we talked about it on p.70.

Whenever you see a 「~~だけで済む」 structure, it implies that someone is being lucky. His damage/loss/penalty could have been much severer.

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