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Kozyra (Offline)
Son of the Desert
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04-02-2011, 08:13 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
0%? So there is NO COUNTRY WORSE than the US when it comes to
1) human values
2) justice and
3) cooperation between religions?

NO COUNTRY WORSE? Are you kidding me?

In this country women are not stoned to death for talking to men besides their husband or have their genitals mutilated as girls to reduce sexual stimulation. Justice is one of the most important values to Americans, and when injustice happens it makes a big stir. Talking about religion in a country where so many different religions and factions make their home is part of the American experience. Here religious leaders do no greet members of other religions with stones and bombs, but with a friendly handshake.
I do not mean justice within the community, it exists in many communities and isn't important, I mean justice in many societies.
When 1000 people were killed in the incident 11 \ 9, we have seen the whole world has moved, but when two million people have been killed in the Iraq war, the U.S. government said: "We are sorry, " and pulled out their troops .... do you think this is justice?
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