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Kozyra (Offline)
Son of the Desert
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04-02-2011, 08:39 AM

In my opinion, the events of September 11 was just a play, a play in the widest sense of the word, the peaceful American people became the victim's, and all because of the Government of the United States.
There are many documents which prove that these events were an internal process, and even if we consider it an external process led by the so-called bin Laden, who claims to be Muslim, it is difficult to see how in every day dozens of Palestinians massacred and killed by U.S. weapons, and Demolish their homes every day by mechanisms of U.S., it was scenes are shocking, that the U.S. support of Israeli terrorism birth to these events, then we say then: "Bin Laden is a terrorist, killer, crazy, must be killed", and have forgotten the U.S. government how to stained hands The blood of the Palestinians.
With the knowledge that Islam prohibits the killing of civilians in any case, and there is a known rule in Islam :
(if a war between the Muslims and the disbelievers, do not kill children, do not kill women, and do not kill the elderly, and does not burn the trees, and let those in the church and do not kill them) _ Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him _
see this : YouTube - The Arrivals - Part 17 (War On Terror)

Last edited by Kozyra : 04-02-2011 at 08:56 AM.
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