04-02-2011, 04:56 PM
About the war on terrorism:
Do you really think that the war will stop terrorism? Do you really think that what the U.S. government is doing in Afghanistan is right? Do you really think that the goal of the U.S. government is the war on terror?
Do you know how to stop terrorism ?......
The answer is through love.
If the U.S. government changed the word "war on terror" to "reconciliation with terrorism", and scoffed all their institutions and their money to build a Council that its objectives is to spread the love between the Muslim and Christian, between Christian and Jew, between the Muslim and Jewish, and between man and his brother's rights, terrorism will stop at that.
Muslims will respect Christian and Christian will respect Jewish people , ect ....
they will love each other, cooperate with each other in order to build the ground.
By that , terrorism will stop.
But unfortunately we see the contrary the United States of America is leading the so-called war on terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and disseminates through the media lies about Muslims and make them as criminals, this is terrorism itself.
Do you know ? I believe that the U.S. government was ready to kill all Iraqis for oil, and they really have killed 2000000 people.
We are human beings , we have common ground, we are all human beings, the so-called terrorists aren't monsters thirsting for blood, these people are human beings have a mind they think, and their heart felt, but, unfortunately, rather than spread the love among the people, the U.S. governments was published murder and bloodshed and devastation in Everywhere they go , they serve their world Zionism, and serve the agenda of confidentiality. .
Last edited by Kozyra : 04-02-2011 at 05:00 PM.