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(#131 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
Posts: 1,126
Join Date: Jun 2009
04-03-2011, 04:23 AM

The US economy is 15 trillion..anyone else near that? Do I see any hands?, anyone? anywhere? China is a distant 2cd and has three times the population.

The US economy has trouble sure, so does the rest of the world, because the US economy is haveing trouble. The US economy drives everyone elses. Debt? Just forgive it...The US has done that twice before. What's china going to do? complain?

Again you guys miss the point, but I will make it again. The US is a continant seperate from the rest of the world by two oceans. It contains 25% of the world's natural resources. It has the best trained, best equipt army in the world. It spends 700 billion on defense just this year, that by itself is probably more than most countries GNP.

You think it's military is stretched?..not really. It's only strained because congress has limited how large it can be. We only have a few 100,000 troops, when the nation has a population that could easily support 30 million troops. National guard troops are a large part of our active roster, Lybia got beat up by weekend warriors.

Plus, how many nations can export tens of thousands if not hundred's of thousands of troops over seas? The US brings the fight to what ever country we are annoyed with. There haven't be foreign troops in the US since 1814.

Term; Both patton and McCarther wanted to attack Russia right after ww2, Patton was even willing to re arm the german army and have them come over with us. The US didn't because it's leadership choose a different path. That's what I have been trying to tell everyone and your not listening. The US could be MUCH worse than it is now, if different people had been in charge of it.

Look what Alexander the Great, was able to do with Just Greece, Imagine what he could have done with the USA as his base of operations. How bout Agustus Ceaser? I'll even give one for Kozyra...How much of the world would me muslim now if Saladin had been president of the USA?

Ture, much of that power comes from the natural resources and location. Isn't that what everyone says about winning wars? Location, Location, Location. The rest is based on our governmental system.

Now, I admit the Government seems to be doing things that are way outside what it was orginally supposed to do and who knows what the CIA or FBI or DEA or any of a dozen different groups are really up too. That's the american citizens bad there, we fell asleep on the job and less than honest types are running things and shouldn't be.
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