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masaegu (Offline)
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04-03-2011, 04:57 AM

Originally Posted by StonerPenguin View Post
Yuusei goes to a store in order to find the origin of a business card. He shows the business card to a man up front and says
"This store isn't (something) anywhere else" [What does 載る mean here?]
"I had a hard time looking for it"

I'm stumped.

Edit-- One more question;
Yuusei realizes the man working at the bar is the hit man who broke his arm (Nakatou).
Nakatou; 「何の用だ」
"What do you want?"
「あの時の復讐か それともわざわざうちに飲みに来た のか?」
"Revenge for that time or did you just come here for a drink?"
Yuusei; 「あんた殺し屋だろ?」
You're an assassin, right?
Nakatou; 「だったら なんだってんだクソガキ?」
"If I am then what are you gonna do(?) brat?" [This is the line I'm having trouble with. What is he asking?]
載るis an extremely important verb meaning "to be in a printed medium". It can be an article or advertisement.

どこにも載っていない means "(it is) not advertized anywhere".

I want to emphasize the importantce of the word because I seldom hear/see this word used by the self-proclaimed advanced Japanese-learners. You have got to remember this word because Its synonym is even bigger = 掲載される.

なんだってんだ here menas "What's it to you?", "What are you gonna do about it?", etc.

Not to confuse you more, it is the Kanto colloquial for 何だと言うのだ. Important thing is not to literally translate this phrase.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions. You are dealing with colloquial speech, which is very often more difficult to understand than formally written Japanese.

Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind.