if your economy is so strong why u borrow all the time?
maybe USA done twice, doesn't mean it will happen third time
foregin troops? but u never at home...always "visiting" other countries, bringing democracy or whatever u call it at that moment
weekend wariors? supose that's the best u have at the moment
best trained army? think again....to be good soldier, one have to believe in what is doing....USA army is everything but best trained army
as long as u fear ground....

US brings the fight to every country you annoyed with
and what are they doing to annoy you?
won't let u go away with a debt? won't give u resources for free? won't let u run their country? once u manage to take care of your own country you can tell others what to do...
location location....pitty the best locations belongs to "annoying" countries
but hey...thats why we have USA, to explain, take care of, bring democracy.....