Originally Posted by GoNative
In terms of earthquakes it's never, ever been what you might consider 'safe' to live in Japan. Earthquakes are a way of life here. They have happened throughout it's history and will happen throughout it's future. Some of us just understand that and live here anyway, along with the 130 million Japanese who also choose to live here.
I know that, I've been to Japan twice. On both occasions, I felt completely safe. I understand that earthquakes happen everyday in Japan, because it lies on 3 tectonic plate boundaries, and for the most part, they aren't serious. But even for Japan, earthquakes of that size and these consequences is unbelievable. In my lifetime, there's SURELY gonna be another earthquake as devastating as this one, and it can strike anywhere in Japan. That's why I even though I do love Japan and have always wanted to live there, I don't think it's safe to now, because something like this is SURELY gonna happen again.