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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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04-03-2011, 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by V1nn1 View Post
I think this discussion is rather funny ;D
lol.. yeah it kinda is because it's literally about penis size. (Not sure if it's a New Zealand wide colloquialism but in my group of friends at least... to have a "dick measuring contest" is to argue or talk about something so stupid or irrelevant simply to boost your ego or status)

But yeah.. it particularly annoys me how this stereotype feeds overall into whitey's superiority complex over not just Japanese... but Asians in general and is really not all that different to how whitey sees itself as superior to the black man.

In the same way as Africans or Arabs are stereotyped as "savage" and "stupid" (or at the very least not as smart).. Asians are stereotyped as being effeminate (or at the very least not as manly).

And these misunderstood statistics surrounding penis size feed into that stereotype which is stupid on two counts because a) It doesn't really work on an individual level and is really not all that much of an "advantage" (as I try to explain in a statistical way) but also b).. because it doesn't REALLY matter. I mean having a bigger member is definitely an advantage. But so is not being overweight or hairy (something East Asians beat white people in statistically)