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RealJames (Offline)
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04-04-2011, 04:40 AM

Originally Posted by RickOShay View Post
What exactly gives you this certainty? Do you have some special knowledge that nobody else in the world has? It is true that there are earthquake hotspots (and the one that happened in the Tohoku region is one of them) but the likelihood of one like that happening ANYWHERE in Japan is quite slim I would say. I think you are kind of foolish to let fear control you so much, nothing is certain, you could get hit by a bus on your way home today, you just don't know. Sure lots of people died as a result of the quake/tsunami, but have you thought about how many people did not die? The answer is the vast majority of Japanese people.

Anyhow you are wrong to say that a big earthquake like that will certainly happen anywhere in Japan. If you are that scared do a little research and find out what the less earthquake prone places in the country are, take some precautions, be picky about what kind of building you live in and where it is located, that's all it takes. Or, just be a victim of your largely irrational fears the rest of your life, and maybe get hit by a bus one day. Your choice I guess.
I gotta admit, both you and Hennaz have a point.

Yes Japan is far more prone to earthquakes and tsunamis than many other places on earth.
Yes it's true that we shouldn't allow fears to dictate and bottleneck our experiences.

Statistically you're more likely to be shot to death in the States than to die in an earthquake in Japan lol, how's that for fear?

Solution? Live in Canada or Sweden, you will only die for self induced reasons or old age haha.

In Japan, given modern architecture, an earthquake is normally an interesting bump that adds flavor to your day, or something that makes your monitor fall off your desk. If you choose to live on the 10th floor of a 40 year old building then that's plain stupid, but such buildings are virtually non-existent in Japan.

マンツーマン 英会話 神戸 三宮 リアライズ -James- This is my life and why I know things about Japan.
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