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04-04-2011, 04:54 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
This earthquake was the largest one in Japan in recorded history. That's thousands of years. How can you be so sure there will be another one of this size in your lifetime. It might be 5000 years before one of this size hits again, or it may be never.
You`re not quite right on that one - it was the biggest earthquake since they could measure earthquakes. That is a rather short chunk of history. There have been numerous earthquakes in the recorded history of Japan that may have been larger - but there is no way to check how big they really were as there was no equipment measuring them at the time.

There was actually a comparable tsunami about 120 years ago.

Anyway though - if someone wants to live in fear of earthquakes... Personally, I`d say Japan is one of the best places to be for one. We`re due any time now for a massive one - a predicted 9+ off the coast near me - that is predicted to hit my area with a high 6 or low 7. I`m not all that worried. Not that I don`t think it will hit - but that the earthquake alone won`t do all that much. Sure, it`ll crack some stuff. Sure, it will probably screw the roads up and knock some older buildings down (with the unfortunate casualties involved)... But because the earthquake for this area has been due for a while, and because the dangers of lower building standards were displayed in the Kobe quake, the building codes around here are pretty strict. Add this to how Japan tends to rebuild everything instead of continuing to use older buildings.
An earthquake wouldn`t be fun, but if there is anywhere that I would choose to be when one hits - It is Japan.

The devastation when an earthquake hits somewhere unexpected is shocking.

To give some idea of what I mean;
2.2 magnitude earthquake rocks Blackpool | Mail Online

This has been on the news here, as apparently it is huge news in the UK. The very idea that there could be damage from something so small has shocked people in Japan. My alert system isn`t even set to notify me if the earthquake won`t be hitting me with more than a 3. The 2 range is "Hey, did it shake?" "Maybe, I`m not sure." level.

But to a location that is not prepared for one, and that has not built things to withstand even a small earthquake... You can see the difference.

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