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(#444 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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04-04-2011, 07:26 AM

Originally Posted by StonerPenguin View Post
Okay, a line I'm curious about is 「今何つった?」 which I can figure out from the context means something like "What did you just say?" but the 「つった」 part confuses me as I'm not sure which verb it is. I have an inkling it's related to the Kanto colloquial 「~っつの」 ("I'm tellin' ya~") we discussed on page 27, though I may be totally wrong.
First, I want to make sure you (or anyone reading this) are reading the 何 correctly. It is read なん here.

「~~つった」 = 「~~と言った」。  Former is Kanto colloquial.

So, you are correct about this related to 「~っつの」 or 「~っつーの」.
Everytime you see つった、つって、つーの、つーか, the verb being used is 言う.

If you see 「ちゅー」 used instead of 「つっ」 or 「つ」 in the phrases above, you are seeing Kansai colloquial.

Also, I wanna say in informal Japanese "TBH that sounds really embarrassing..." (on another forum there's this guy who supposedly knows Japanese and he wants the users on there to do something kinda lame), I've come up with "私ぶっちゃけ そういうことってマジ恥ずかしそうなんだよ ・・・" I hope I'm not copying the manga I'm reading too much but I don't want it to be too standard Japanese and hence easy to figure out. I know this is really childish and I'm probably not even gonna say it but I was just curious. Sorry for my crazy bad Japanese.
Nice try but that is not how native speakers would phrase it. You don't generally use a pronoun like 私 in colloquial speech.

We would say it like:

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