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04-04-2011, 12:05 PM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
Then again... some of the nicer fits I've found for women were taller than the more little women.. but maybe that's just an issue of overall health and muscle percent...
With women, there is a lot that can be done to "change" that area. Both in the negative and positive.
A lot of it does, indeed, come down to muscles. In that specific area. That is why there are exercises out there to "improve tone" down there.

Things can also go in a negative direction if she is unlucky and tears for some reason - then doesn`t heal well. Childbirth is the most obvious reason, but rough sex or even forced insertion of a tampon at too young an age can do it.

With a guy, there isn`t a whole lot that can be done to change what he has.

In regard to the "effeminate guy" talk...
After having been here for as long as I have - When encountering the "typical" western man, or watching western television, it always feels like they are seriously going out of their way to emphasize masculinity. To the point that it seems over the top, and like it is being faked. As if there is some strange fear that someone might think they`re not 100% man.
It ends up being a weird bit of culture shock.

I don`t see anything effeminate about Japanese men in general. There are effeminate men out there, but they`re definitely the exception.

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