Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Well I completely disagree.
And it's not about political correctness.
I just think you're completely wrong about Japanese men being effeminate. Via whatever standard.
I don't personally think Japanese men are effeminate, anymore. It took about 4 months of living here for that to change though.
It changed when I met the most chauvinistic arrogant man's man of men with more girlfriends than I have fingers looked much much more feminine by western standards than the two pics I put below. And any one of the guys I know back home would have said beyond any shadow of a doubt that he was the most gay of gay men to have ever gayed the surface of the earth haha.
All I'm saying is that for sure westerners feel asian men are effeminate. That's a reality, not an opinion. That they feel that way I mean.
In many cultures body hair is a symbol of masculinity, as is body size, muscle mass, height etc
When comparing Asian cultures to the afore mentioned cultures, there is a clear distinction in those particular traits.
That said, those in the former cultures will tend to perceive those in the ladder cultures as being relatively more feminine.
As an example, if any high school student in the US styled his hair (lets even ignore the makeup for now) like this
It's safe to assume that the majority of guys around him would assume he's gay, or if not at least very very much in touch with his estrogen. Where as here he's just fashionable.
Originally Posted by Nyororin
In regard to the "effeminate guy" talk...
After having been here for as long as I have - When encountering the "typical" western man, or watching western television, it always feels like they are seriously going out of their way to emphasize masculinity. To the point that it seems over the top, and like it is being faked. As if there is some strange fear that someone might think they`re not 100% man.
It ends up being a weird bit of culture shock.
I don`t see anything effeminate about Japanese men in general. There are effeminate men out there, but they`re definitely the exception.
I think I agree with you, western guys really try hard to put on the whole "man act" sometimes at the expense of being nice or considerate towards others.
It's unfortunate that in western cultures (at least where I'm from) there's this pretty ridiculous version of manliness.
What's worse is the way that Asian cultures get discriminated against by western men based on those very same ridiculous versions of manliness!