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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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04-04-2011, 02:37 PM

Man, I really wanted to help, but every Google result I found was for for-pay lessons. Even filtering out words like プライベート and マンツーマン. :/

I have a few bookmarked in English, but no Japanese (my second language was Spanish, and it's also my wife's native language—in fact, we're going on vacation to a Spanish speaking country in less than a week, so I'd better get my mind back into the language!).

You might start off reading the WP-JP article: スペイン語 - Wikipedia

As a side note, anyone know what ムデハル語 is in English? I found it on the WP-JP page for Spanish. I can't find a translation anywhere, including Wikipedia. It's a language that influenced Spanish a long time ago. I don't recognize the word, but the other two languages listed that influenced Spanish at the same time are モサラベ語 and アラビア語. These I know.
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