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godwine (Offline)
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04-04-2011, 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by RobinMask View Post
I admitedly haven't read the article given, but I am sceptical about what you just said. I mean, can radiation even be spread from person-to-person? If it could then people who get x-rays or chemotherapy would be in isolation, surely? I'm not a scientist, but I doubt shelters and hospitals are turning away people unless they have ceritificates to say they aren't full of radiation.
I am a bit skeptical myself, not because of my view on how radio intoxication are spread, but the source of this news. This is a blog post, and its not from any trusted news paper sources. Now I have to admit, i couldn't open the link in the blog, when i did, it kept going around in a loop doing nothing..