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Turns out I've got less than I thought I did. As far as books go:
A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish (the English-language Bible on Spanish grammar, but it's written less for learning in a progression and more as a reference for basically EVERY nitpicky thing you can think of)
I think you'll find Spanish shockingly easy to learn compared to Japanese. Here, let me teach you what would take you two to five years to learn in Japanese:
take the English alphabet
add 'll' = a y-sound
add 'ñ' = a 'ny' sound like in "Enya"
add 'rr' = a rolling 'r' sound like you hear some old timey regal English actors do (off the top of my head, Peter Cushing in Star Wars spoke like this)
All vowels are exactly the same as Japanese.
All consonants are obvious except "z" is an s-sound, "j" is an h-sound as in 'hoopla', "g" before "i" or "e" is an h-sound as in 'hoopla', "q" is a k-sound. I'm sure I'm forgetting one or two off the top of my head, but...
OK, now you know how to read everything in Spanish.